Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret

On May 26, 1866, the first party of the China Inland Mission set out on a four month journey from England to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to China's Interior.

On May 26, 1992 God drew my heart more deeply to that man's work and the land in which he is buried.

In September 2005, after years of the LORD drawing my heart to that land, I got to visit it, not as a normal tourist, but as a special visitor, staying not in hotels but in the homes of my wife's family there. This had great meaning for me. I took along the book that this post gets its name from and read it in its entirety while I was there.

I am so thankful for the China Connection in my life and hope to communicate some of it in this blog. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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