Monday, October 5, 2009

Another China Connection

We'll be heading to Kennedy in 12 hours for Lucy to board a Korean Air flight to Seoul and then onto Changchun, China. Her family anxiously awaits her arrival. She will be greatly missed. As for Moe (our faithful dog) and I, we will "bach" it while she is there.

I am thinking of my trip to China 4 years ago at this time. It was a grand adventure. I know Lucy will have a wonderful time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to China

Lucy will be heading to China, October 8th. I will not go this time. She will spend the time visiting her family. After only seeing them twice in the past 12 years this is a special treat. We'll miss her but know she will have a wonderful time. Her family are precious people. I'll miss not being there.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Keeping Connected

Lucy spoke to her family in China today. What wonderful people. We told them of our garden filled with Chinese vegetables. The rain has made it grow so much the past few days.