Thursday, March 20, 2008

Let's Dig To China!

When we were kids growing up in Bellmore, here on Long Island, we used to dig holes. My dad put up a row of currant bushes and said, "The area behind the bushes is for you guys. Dig all you want there." It was an area of about 10' by 40' of that 40' by 100' piece of property in the suburbs but it was ours! We went to town digging. We dreamed of digging all the way to China. We thought we'd pop out of a hole we had dug and find ourselves right in the middle of that land!

I remember when my feet actually did touch that land 2 1/2 years ago. Wow! It was thrilling. For all the years I had read about China, prayed for the church there, and loved its people, now I was there. When I came back I left part of my heart there.

I am connected to China and am so privileged to be.
Now grab and shovel and dig with me!
You are going to love it there!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dr. Nelson Bell, Billy Graham's Father-In-Law

Dr. Nelson Bell, Ruth Graham's father, was a medical missionary to China. He, like many others, could have been a world famous surgeon here in the United States, but he chose God's will and God's work. Better to be well known in heaven- better by far!

He had an enormous influence on Billy Graham. 50 years before Nelson Bell went to China, another doctor, James Hudson Taylor was there serving. What a legacy he left! It is still apparent in China today

I thank God for the influence of all three of these men in my life.

They are part of my China Connection.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Tiennamen Square,
the center of Beijing,
China's Capital